Tuesday, March 19, 2013


Papua New Guinea University of Technology held its last open day from the 24th to 27th August 2009. That is only four (4) years ago and not twelve (12) as claimed by Time-line UNITECH and posted on Dr Albert Schram's blog. The Open Day ran alongside and was part of the Huon Seminar and lasted four days.

Schools and the public were invited to visit the university. My reasoning for this at that time was that it was an excellent opportunity for children in primary to high school to visit the university to give the  opportunity to build their aspirations to dream of studying at university one day.

All departments took part in this open day. The Mining and Engineering Department put up their display in the Library including a video show. All other departments put up the displays and stalls in their own departments. The National Broadcasting commision came all the way from Port Moresby and set up their display in the Library.

The Huon Seminar Committee gave me the task of organizing this open day. That was only four years ago. Not 12 years ago as stated in Time-line UNITECH. It says

"14 September: All departments organize an open day, for the first time in 12 years"