Tuesday, November 10, 2015


bobol  Wave.
bokaboko    1. Anchorage 2. Press. cont. of boko.
boko    1. Anchor; to anchor a canoe. 2. Wait; wait a little while; hold on a minute.
bokon 1. Prevent. Prevent from rolling downhill. 2. Structure built to prevent soil erosion. 3. Deflect.
bokonia                   Prevent from moving.
bolo 1. Carry on shoulders. 2. Crucifix. 3. Pass by.
bor   Scold, berate
boroi   Pig. var. bäräi (Boawa)
bonot   Add; To add something more to make an amount complete or meet the required amount.
bong   Stupid
bongbong   1.The state of being stupid or unconscious. 2. Mental instability or retardation.
bola Carry; To carry on the shoulder. Used  when instructing someone to carry something on the shoulder.
boto A number of species of reef fish with no scales but tough skin. Some are coloured.
bua   1. Handle. 2. Bribe. warbua  bribery. 3. A shrub
buabuai                   Froth
buana Mountain. var. luana
buara   A type of edible fern.
bubukul                   Bulge
bubura         Floating log. Also used to describe logs washed ashore.
bubur   Break; to break a stick. e.g., Bubur ra dawai. Break the law. Bubur ra warkurai.
buburia        Break it.
burbur         Tail feather.
burburuna   Its tail feather; tail feather of.
burburi        Tail feather of
bukubuk      A fruit tree that bears edible juicy fruits with very thin green skin and white flesh. The seed of the fruit is diamond shape and has a brown to black color.
bula Also,
bul    Child.e.g., Bul wawina. Female child. Bul tutana. Male child.
bulit 1. Gum extracted from tree sap, e.g. Bulit na kapiaka. Breadfruit gum.

bulukua       a species of black colored bird  with long tail feathers and related to the bird of paradise

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